Thursday, March 27, 2008
Uranium seized from FARC guerrilas
"The government said information about the stash of uranium was found earlier this month in computer files left behind by top guerrilla leader Raul Reyes, who was killed in a Colombian bomb strike against a FARC camp in neighboring in Ecuador."
Besides information about the uranium stash links between Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and FARC were also confirmed by incriminating evidence within the computer files. Now that FARC is dealing in uranium it's time that a more serious approach be taken by OAS member states in dealing with the Venezuelan leader.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
WSJ Editorial: Islam and Free Speech
Here's a snipet of the the WSJ editorial:
Islam and Free Speech
March 26, 2008; Page A15
The Netherlands is bracing for a new round of violence at home and against its embassies in the Middle East. The storm would be caused by "Fitna," a short film that is scheduled to be released this week. The film, which reportedly includes images of a Quran being burned, was produced by Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament and leader of the Freedom Party. Mr. Wilders has called for banning the Quran -- which he has compared to Hitler's "Mein Kampf" -- from the Netherlands.
After concern about the film led Mr. Wilders's Internet service provider to take down his Web site, Mr. Wilders issued a statement this week that he will personally distribute DVDs "On the Dam" if he has to. That may not be necessary, as the Czech National Party has reportedly agreed to host the video on its Web site.
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Reasonable men in free societies regard Geert Wilders's anti-Muslim rhetoric, and films like "Fitna," as disrespectful of the religious sensitivities of members of the Islamic faith. But free societies also hold freedom of speech to be a fundamental human right. We don't silence, jail or kill people with whom we disagree just because their ideas are offensive or disturbing. We believe that when such ideas are openly debated, they sink of their own weight and attract few followers.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali born Dutch member of parliament. Read about her troubles in Slate.com.
"Entering politics to try to alert the European left to this danger, she was first elected as a deputy for the Labor Party, but after 9/11 she changed her allegiance to the Liberals. This, she explained, was because many Labor spokesmen preferred to think of immigrants as possessing "group rights." They had become so infatuated by their own "multi-culti" style that they had ignored the rights of individuals—especially women and girls—who were imprisoned within their own ghetto. (That, by the way, was precisely Spinoza's problem as well. The Dutch rabbis cursed him and condemned him in their own sectarian "court," of which the Christian authorities approved because it took care of dangerous secularism among Jews.)"
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Global Warming Skeptic
There's plenty of evidence indicating that our globe has warmed over the past oh...30 years. But there's also plenty of evidence that our globe has gone through periods of rapid warming and cooling over the past 100 years. If this is so then we are just passing through a natural warming cycle. Why is it that Algore and his minions are making such a big fuzz about this particular warming trend?
I remember not too long ago, about 23 years in fact, that weekly magazines such as TIME were running articles of the upcoming global cooling and of it's potential catastrophic effects on the worlds food supply. Well, that didn't happen. Now it's global warming and it's potential harmful effects to eh...I don't know, polar bears? It seems to me that too much attention is payed to doomsdayers.
The following list of links with a brief description to articles concerning global warming . Both sides of the arguments are presented.
Climate facts to warm to. The Australian An interview with Jennifer Marohasy, an expert ( or someone who knows an expert) on climate change, global warming, yada, yada..Pretty interesting stuff. Ms. Marohasy debunks the theory that the earth is still warming.
Is the earth still warming, asks the host.
"No, actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you'd expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years."
The Australian. 22 March 2008
ABC News interview with Fred Singer.
A hatchet job on the old fella. "Singer, an 84-year-old Princeton-trained physicist, is the grandfather of the global warming skeptics who dispute the established scientific consensus (emphasis mine) that global warming is real, that it is caused by the pollution humans are pumping into the atmosphere, and that it will be catastrophic if measures are not taken immediately."
The interviewer makes no attempt to bring out the facts which Mr. Singer bases his opinion.
Newsbusters.org article on ABC News interview with Fred Singer.
"Climate alarmism reached a new low Sunday as ABC's "World News" featured a hit piece on Dr. S. Fred Singer, the esteemed Professor Emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia."
Delicate Partnership Between Coral and Algae Threatened By Global Warming
This article in Sciencedaily.com discusses the effects, well...the title says it all. The science end comes from the ARC Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoECRS) and James Cook University in Australia. Not surprisingly the findings are that global warming could damage this coral and algae relationship with potential catastrophic effects upon mankind yada, yada...
Black carbon adds the most to global warming
This report from SIFY.com blames China and India for melting the snow in the Himalayas. V. Ramanathan of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography admits that previous findings were wrong:
"In the paper, Ramanathan integrated data from satellites, aircraft and surface instruments about the warming effect of black carbon and found that its warming effect is about 0.9 watts per metre squared. That is far higher than estimates of between 0.2 watts per metre squared and 0.4 watts per metre squared that were agreed upon as a consensus estimate in a report released in 2007 by the R.K. Pachauri-headed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which won the Nobel last year."
Interesting finding considering that a consensus on previous findings had been reached.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Israel and Gaza
A Moral Outrage
The world applauded when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, forcibly removing Jewish settlers. At last, the Palestinians were free to show how they could build their own society.
But what did they do with their freedom? They elected the terrorist organization Hamas in 2006. First Fatah and now Hamas have rained 4,000 rockets on Israel, killed 24, and wounded 620—the equivalent of killing 1,200 Americans and wounding 31,000. The citizens of Sderot and Ashkelon have suffered a collective trauma; children fear that when parents leave for work, they will never see them again.
Forced labor = Slave labor
According to CIA Fact book; current situation: about 600,000 to 800,000 people, mostly women and children, are trafficked annually across national borders, not including millions trafficked within their own countries; at least 80% of the victims are female; 75% of all victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation; roughly two-thirds of the global victims are trafficked intra-regionally within East Asia and the Pacific (260,000 to 280,000 people) and Europe and Eurasia (170,000 to 210,000 people)
Tier 2 Watch List: Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Cyprus, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Fiji, The Gambia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Libya, Macao, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldova, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates
Tier 3: Algeria, Bahrain, Burma, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Kuwait, Malaysia, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, Venezuela.
The following article in Newsweek explains:
Bottom of the Barrel
Millions of Asian workers producing goods sold here are trapped in servitude.
Some of the world's leading computer makers don't want you to know about Local Technic Industry. It's a typical Malaysian company, one of many small makers of the cast-aluminum bodies for hard-disk drives used in just about every name-brand machine on the market. But that's precisely the problem: it's a typical Malaysian company.
to continue reading article click here.
German Jewish leader criticizes Pope over prayer
BERLIN (Reuters) - The leader of Germany's Jewish community said on Friday she was surprised Pope Benedict could have allowed a new version of a Good Friday prayer for the conversion of Jews.
Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, told Reuters Television she could not fathom Pope Benedict putting forward the new decree because he experienced discrimination against Jews in Germany as a young man.
This article from time covers the same subject.
Bringing back an ancient rite risked reopening ancient wounds. And so after Pope Benedict XVI introduced wider use of the old Latin rite last year, top Vatican officials promised to adjust a Good Friday prayer from the ancient liturgy that had called for the conversion of the Jews. The text of the updated version — released this week in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano — deletes offensive language referring to Jews' "blindness" and the need to "remove the veil from their hearts." But the substance is left in place: "Let us pray for the Jews," the prayer says, according to an unofficial translation from Latin. "May the Lord our God illuminate their hearts so that they may recognize Jesus Christ savior of all men."xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I don't see any problem with the prayer the way it is now. It's clear that Catholics believe it's their duty as Christians to spread the word and pray for conversions. The prayer does mot call for another Inquisition nor does it attack Jews. This meddling into affairs not of their concern only serves to antagonize and makes me wonder if these Jews who protest such things are really interested in improving relations. I'm glad the Pope changed the old wording in the prayer which was offensive. Jews should not expect complete capitulation to their demands. If this happens then next would be demands for changes in the New testament. I wonder if these same Jews demand that Koranic verses be changed so as not to offend?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bring Back the Iron Cross
Iron Cross purposes
As our Berlin correspondent, Tony Patterson, reported last week, Germany has been riven by controversy since the Defence Minister, Franz Josef Jung, announced plans for a medal, “similar in shape to the Iron Cross”, to be awarded to German troops risking their lives in Afghanistan. The proposal was greeted with fierce opposition from the Greens, Social Democrats, and Jewish groups, and within 24 hours, he had backed down, stating that any new medal would bear no resemblance to the Iron Cross.
"Given the legacy of Hitler and the Second World War,” said Rainer Arnold, a leading Social Democrat, “the medal is too burdened by the past to be reintroduced." Stephan Kramer, General Secretary of Central Council of Jews in Germany, was of the same opinion. The Iron Cross, he said, was "shamelessly abused" by the Nazis and had become synonymous with Hitlerism.
Yet the Iron Cross is not synonymous with Nazism, but was introduced by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III during the Napoleonic Wars. And although it has not been used as a military decoration since the end of the Second World War, it is still the official emblem of the Bundeswehr, and has been displayed on its tanks and planes for 60 years without protest.
It is worth remembering that, before Hitler came to power, many holders of the medal were Jewish: the picture shows a detail from the grave of a Jewish serviceman in the former German city of Breslau (now Wroclaw in Poland). Of the 555,000 Jews living in the German empire in at the outbreak of the First World War, 100,000 served in all branches of the armed; 12,000 of them died in action; and many were awarded the Iron Cross.
This did not, of course save them from the concentration camps. Perhaps the award is irretrievably tainted – but then again, maybe it would be better to reclaim it, rather that give the Nazis credit for something that was not theirs in the first place?
I lifted this article from the Independent Online Edition. I agree with Chris Schuler. The Bundeswehr (German Military Forces) adopted the Iron Cross as it's emblem in 1955. Jewish sensibility to a decoration awarded by Nazi Germany is understandable but this cross is without the swastika.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hitler the cartoonist

Anyone interested in WWII knows personal stuff about Hitler. He wanted to be an architect, was a landscape painter and tried his hand at selling hand painted postcards, not very successfully. Well, it turn out that Hitler was also a cartoonist.
Four of his cartoon drawings were found behind a Hitler Bavarian landscape painting up for auction in Germany. The cartoon drawings are of Disney Characters in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and of Pinocchio.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Correa to Bush: "Shut Up!!!!"
"My boys can't fight" implied Correa. "Those nasty rebels don't fight fair. They use real bullets and could kill our soldiers if I try to protect Ecuadoran sovereignty." Correa was practically in tears as he lamented the fact his troops lacked cojones. In the background could be seen embattled Venezuelan president Hugo "Fidel, you had me at hola" Chavez throwing darts at a dart board with a head shot of President Bush.
Mr. Correa was also visibly mad at Spain "after Madrid newspaper El Pais printed allegations the Ecuadoran government was mixed up with FARC rebels." "Oye, gallegos" Correa shouted at no one in particular, "you guys are way over there in Europe. Send your troops here or mind your own business. I hate you..I hate you!!
As the news conference continued Mr. Correa got even more agitated. He now demanded that not only should the US and Spain send troops but that the UN also send multi-national troops to the Ecuadoran - Colombian border "or you shut up too.....you don't know how grateful we would be, how much trouble you'd save us."
Ecuadoran Defense Minister Wellington Sandoval also appeared to be mad and hurt by allegations that his country and the FARC rebels got along very well, "falsehoods", that's what's in El Pais. "I'm going to sue".
Call me a skeptic but I believe that Ecuador is harboring FARC rebels. Before Colombia sent in troops FARC was operating freely inside Ecuador. Correa's contention that Ecuador is powerless to intervene against FARC rebels rings hollow given that Ecuadoran troops were swiftly moved into the same region in a show of force designed to intimidate Uribe.
SNL not pro-Hillary: So says producer (wink, wink)
“I’m sensitive to the suggestion that we’re in the service of Hillary Clinton this year,” he said. “That obviously is not the case.” He added, “We don’t lay down for anybody.”
Yeah, right. The timing of the sketches - and of guest host Tina Fey's unequivocal endorsement of Hillary - before crucial (for Hillary) primaries in Ohio and Texas definitely helped Clinton. Before SNL's sketches the perception was that Obama was receiving fluff treatment by this nations unbiased(wink, wink) media, like CNN, NBC, CBS, The Times, The Post, etc..etc. (the usual suspects). According to the same entities that gage public perception the situation changed after SNL's deliberate attempt to......excuse me, sorry, after SNL's innocent attempt at humor by casting Hillary in a favorable spotlight (and, hopefully, increasing viewers). You see it was all just political humor, something SNL used to be good at years ago.
In his defense Mr. Michaels points out that most of the cast and writers of the show are Obamatrons. Heck, even Jim Downey - creator of the most recent pro Hillary sketches - would "definitely" vote for Obama if he was the democratic nominee. Not a ringing endorsement in my book but an expected one considering that Mr. Downey is - surprise - a democrat.
Personally, I can't wait (not really) until this thing with the democrats is decided for I predict that Mr. Michaels, Mr.Downey and the rest of the SNL casts will just skewer Sen. McCain. All in the quest for political humor (and ratings), of course (wink, wink).
For the complete story see http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/arts/television/13snl.html?em&ex=1205553600&en=65004fe840701e31&ei=5070
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Obama: Race not issue!!!
A daily tracking poll just released by Rasmussen shows that race does play a significant role in determining who supports Sen. Obama. Blacks support Obama over Sen. Clinton by an overwhelming margin, 81% to 7% while White voters give Hillary a more balanced but still substantial edge of 50% to 39%.
Considering that both Obama and Clinton stance on the issues is virtually identical there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Black voters prefer Obama because he is ehhhh.... Black! But Obama doesn't think so, hmmmm... I wonder why? Maybe he hopes willing accomplices in the media will follow this line. I think Geraldine Ferraro was right! Obama is still a candidate because of overwhelming Black support for a fellow Black.
Good news on the Rasmussen poll. McCain leads both Clinton and Obama in a head to head race by 1-2%. This, in my opinion, is significant since Republicans usually trail by much larger margins in early polls.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Why I won't vote Democrat


The Clinton era also kept me politically aware because the guy was such a clown that I couldn't wait to hear what Rush had to say about the First Family and the fellow Clintonistas. The guy had charisma, I have to admit. That charisma, and my disgust with Bushes backtracking on the no new taxes pledge, sold me the used car, the snake oil that Bubba peddled. I didn't make the same mistake in 96. Reagan inspired me Clinton amused me, both good reasons to keep my interest. I didn't get this from either of the two Bushes. Sure, I voted for both but not because they were my favorites. This year again I will vote for a candidate that does not inspire me to be politically motivated but I'll vote for him for the same reason both Bushes got my vote. I refuse to vote Democrat.
In my opinion, the Democratic party has - over the last 30 years or so- become the refuge of crypto socialist and neo-communist. It has become the party of self hatred, the party of big government, the party that our enemies love. It has become the party of those who are arrogant and condescending.

More of the same.